P3 Suitability Analysis

Cities require many different types of infrastructure to thrive and not every project is right for the P3 process.  At Infravest Strategies we help our clients plan and structure partnership delivery solutions for their public infrastructure assets. 

Procurement Support

Infravest Strategies team members are available to assist its clients in successfully implementing partnership delivery solutions for public infrastructure through leadership in alternative delivery procurement practices and market development.

Project Management 

A project does not end after the contract is awarded and shovels go into the ground.  P3 delivery is about the long term accountability of both the public and private sectors for the life of the contract.  Our team is available to assist our clients regarding the management of projects throughout the entire lifecycle of the asset.


We understand the value a good relationship brings to the table. Through years of building strong connections with decision-makers in every corner of the State - Infravest helps transform your organization from being “just another company” to being a trusted and valued partner.


Innovative Procurement Solutions and Expedited Project Delivery

Navigation of State (Texas) and Local Regulations

Project Financial Analysis

Political, Legislative, and Project Communication Strategy

Speaking Engagements

Coalition Building